Rules of the contest 1.
One or more of the following characters is required to be in your
entry to be judged:
Jim, Josephine Rodgers , Sarina Doyle, Alexia Trust, Bella Moore
(Feline Chapter 4), Jayson (Mouse Chapter 4), Manila Doyle (Sarina's
Mother) , Joyce Rodgers (Josephine's Mother)
2. You can submit as often as you like and to
as many categories as you'd like.
3. Out of story, and original character
insertion: use of your own characters isn't outright discouraged,
but it may or may not count against your score.
4. Pictures do NOT have to be
canon within the comics storyline. As stated before, have fun with
pairings, poses, and situations. Creativity will get you far. But
that said, canon pictures, will get you just as far.
5. Pieces can be sketched, inked, colored, or any combination of
the three. If it's just a sketch though, it better be one heck of a
sketch :)
6. Unlike previous contests, entries will not
be displayed on the site until after the deadline has passed. After
its passing, all entries will be displayed on the TJA/CNC pages.
7. Deadline for this contest is Midnight
December 31st, 2010. Judging will be Completed by January 15th,
2011. 8. Send your submissions to before December 31st at Midnight. |